Introducing the enchanting, whimsical Fantasy Friends from Boulevard Boutique.These beautiful 29cm dolls will spark your little one’s imagination and bring magic to role playing fun!Each of these adorable 29cm dolls comes in a unique, colourful, removable outfit with shoes and an additional outfit.Why not get creative by mixing and matching the different clothing to create beautiful new styles?Bring your fairy to life by cutting out their delicate wings available on the packaging.Let’s go on a magical adventure and explore the enchanted outdoor!Fly through the soft green grass and colourful flowers with your fairies’ whimsical wings!Transform you room into a fairy wonderland and flutter around to live out your fantasy dreams!Don’t stop there!Play and style their 16cm long hair to create multiple different hairstyles to show all your friends and family!Be yourself with Boulevard Boutique and the Fantasy Friends! |